Monday, July 31, 2017

New Looks, New Features, New News (sorta)

As you've probably already noticed, unless you are reading this from your email, there have been a few changes to my website . . .

Mainly the look.

Last Thursday and Friday, I worked really hard getting a new look up. I've been thinking about it for a while; my old layout was starting to look dated, and I figured I'd update it sometime toward the end of the year. But at the moment, I'm also looking at pitching to a conference and with Salt Lake Comic Con coming up, I decided to make the jump early, so I can look extra snazzy. ;)

To be honest, I'm really happy with how it turned out. I love the theme, colors, and it looks sleek and clean . . . and it's mobile friendly. (My last layout wasn't, so I actually had two different themes.)

You'll notice on the top header, there are some different buttons.



Social Media


I've got a nice little email subscribe spot near the top.

And I still have my blog post categories, but they are now on the right sidebar.

You can now see related blog posts at the bottom of each post.

Then remember that list of recommended writing books I posted a few weeks ago? You can get to the list through the menu.

But perhaps the best new feature on my site is an index of almost all my writing tips, organized by topic. I'll be honest, it took a few hours to compile and create all the links, but I'm pretty happy with it. So now you can look up whatever I've written on a specific topic.

You can get to the Writing Tip Index through the menu.

By the way, I'm still working on getting more writing tips on my Youtube channel. If you haven't subscribed yet, I'd appreciate it if you did.

I also have a different little profile picture. I just thought it went better with the look.

Anyway, so like I said above, I'm working on pitching to a conference and probably another down the road. I love sharing what I know about writing with others, and if I could get selected as a guest, it would be a really great opportunity for me, not only to share what I know, but to further grow in my career field.

At the moment, I'm also waiting on Salt Lake Comic Con's schedule. I'm assuming I'll be a guest there again, since I've done it the last two years, but it kind of just depends on the programming they go with this year. I'm really looking forward to Salt Lake Comic Con. It's one of my favorite things I do all year. This year will be extra fun since my favorite band, Muse, will be playing in Salt Lake the night before, and I got pit tickets!

Also, I actually do have some other significant news that I thought I'd be sharing in this post, but I ran into some minor delays, so it will have to wait. But it will be another great step and building block in my career (and I might need your help spreading the word if you are so inclined), so stay tuned. :)

And of course, as always, I have more writing tip articles in the works, so come back next week! In the meantime, feel free to peruse the new site and find something interesting in the Writing Tip Index. Many of you did not discover my blog until years after I'd started it, so there might be an article in there you haven't seen.

Last, but not least, thank you to everyone who has been following my blog, whether you simply "ghost" it on occasion, or have come back regularly, commented, or shared it with others. Thank you to anyone who has ever shared my posts. I'm so grateful to know that there are people out there who find writing and storytelling as interesting as I do and actually like to read my thoughts on the topic.


  1. I really like the new look. Is so much easier to read and it does feel more uptoday. The old look was a bit cluttered, and not very easy to read.

    Look luck for all your upcoming events. You sounds well prepared and organised ;-)


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