Wednesday, December 7, 2016

These are a few of my favorite things . . . (Giveaway)

**Now Closed**

This season is a special time of year: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Fantastic Beasts, Sherlock--er, I mean, New Years . . . blog birthdays.

Yes, blog birthdays! Exactly four years ago, I started my blog. And you know what this all means?

Time to giveaway some sweet stuff!! From some of my favorite things!

Two winners will get to pick from these items (BTW, they can both pick the same thing)

Back by popular demand, Newt's Hufflepuff scarf

😍 And, and and, to celebrate the new season of Sherlock (finally!!)

You can sip hot cocoa as you slip into your mind palace (great for writers and other creatives, too).

And for all you lovely writers, the #1 bestseller, The Emotion Thesaurus, one of my favorite writing references of all time. Ebook format, which as a writer, I find the most useful medium (have you tried holding open paperbacks while writing?? O_o ).

In my humble opinion, every writer should have this book.

One of the biggest problem areas for writers is conveying a character's emotions to the reader in a unique, compelling way. This book comes to the rescue by highlighting 75 emotions and listing the possible body language cues, thoughts, and visceral responses for each. Using its easy-to-navigate list format, readers can draw inspiration from character cues that range in intensity to match any emotional moment. The Emotion Thesaurus also tackles common emotion-related writing problems and provides methods to overcome them. This writing tool encourages writers to show, not tell emotion and is a creative brainstorming resource for any fiction project.

How to Win . . . er, Enter

Celebrate with me by entering to win (you know I do this because it's fun to give you guys stuff, right?) It's easy to enter:

  • Like or share this giveaway post off my Facebook profile (do both to enter twice).
  • Like or reblog the giveaway post off my Tumblr (do both to enter twice).
  • Like or retweet the giveaway tweet on my Twitter (do both to enter twice). 
  • +1 or share the giveaway post off my Google+ (do both to enter twice).

That means you can enter a total of eight times.

Two winners will be selected December 21st

You must be a friend or follower of me to win. (Please note that if you "share," you must share publicly so that I can see it, otherwise I can't tell who shared)

* This is an international giveaway, though the mug is only available in the United States (sorry). The scarf and book are available internationally.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on 4 years--that's awesome. I for one am SO GLAD you got into blogging!

    Don't enter me--I am just thrilled you included the ET. And I love the scarf--how awesome is that? If I tried to knit something, I'd probably end up strangling myself in the process, haha!


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