Monday, October 26, 2015

Comic Con Giveaway! (and a Blog Tour)

UPDATE: Congrats to Haley Scully for being our winner! She picked the pocket watch!

Hey everyone! I promised to do a giveaway after Comic Con. I wanted to bring back something cool, but there was just so much going on! So instead I picked a bunch of prizes online from the fandoms I saw (and one writing book for the writers).

How to Enter:

**You must be a friend/follower to win 

- Like, or share the giveaway post on Facebook. Do both to enter twice. (Make sure when you share that it's set to "public" so that I can see that you shared it.)

- Retweet this tweet on Twitter or reply to it telling me what prize you would pick. Do both to enter twice.

- Like or Reblog this post on Tumblr. Do both to enter twice.

- Comment on this blog post, telling me what prize you would pick if you won. (must be a follower of this blog)

So, you can enter up to seven times.

(Please note I reserve the right to change prizes if for some reason the item becomes unavailable.)

Is this an international giveaway? Yes! and no. It depends on the prize you want. So if you win and you live outside of the U.S. we'll talk :)

UPDATE: Winner will be selected Dec. 14th


 One winner will pick from these prizes:

- (my followers' favorite) Fullmetal Alchemist Pocket Watch (become a dog of the military)
- Harry Potter Time Turner Necklace (Need a few extra minutes? No problem!)
- A key to 221b Baker Street--who wouldn't want that ;) --key chain, so you can entertain Sherlock when he's bored.
- Dr. Who Soap (Defeat Daleks by washing your hands!)
- Attack on Titan Cape (Defeat Titans in uniform!)
- Hunger Games Shirt (Gain sponsors by looking your best in this t-shirt)
- DBZ Goku Art (It's over 9000!)
- The Emotion Thesaurus. Learn how every mood is expressed physically, internally, mentally, and how it is suppressed, then learn how to write it! (This is an ebook copy, no a physical copy.) (I use this book almost every week.)

**See bigger pictures of each prize at the end of the post!

Blog Tour

This giveaway is also part of what turned into a guest post blog tour of sorts! These bloggers are awesome and will be having me as a guest over the next several weeks. :') Please visit them! And follow them! And check their blogs for a post by me :)

WritersPayItForward.Org (My post will be there Oct. 27th!)

Bonnie Gwyn (My post will be there the 1st week of November)

Amanda K. Thompson (1st week of November)

James Duckett (2nd week of November)

Jake Jeffries (3rd week of November)

Ronda Hinrichsen (3rd week of November)

Lysandra James (4th week of November)

Jay S. Willis (4th week of November)

Tristi Pinkston  (November 30th)

Konstanz Silverbow (TBD)

Nathan Barra (TBD)

Katherine Ann Olsen (December 12th)

All of this is part of me trying to promote my blog. If you have friends or followers who would like my blog, please consider sharing it with them. Thanks, you guys are awesome!

Selecting the Winner

UPDATED: Winner of the giveaway will be selected via random number generator, on December 14th.

Prize Pictures


  1. The FMA watch- can't resist the shiny :D Thanks so much for hosting the giveaway!

  2. The Attack on Titan cape, I love the color and it looks warm. How can I say no. Can't wait to see who wins. Good luck to everyone!

  3. I'd pick the FMA watch or the DBZ print. Both are really cool! Thanks for the amazing giveaway! :)

  4. I would choose the Fullmetal Alchemist watch out of all them! Although, it's still really tough. I'd also love that Hunger Games shirt or the HP Time Turner. But I'd go for the FMA watch all the way.

  5. The cape, I needddd it 😱😱😱😱

  6. I'd pick the Attack on Titan cape~!

  7. I would take the watch for sure.

  8. I echo the comments that others have made giving you thanks for hosting the giveaway! Should luck happen to shine on me then Goku shall be a prized possession.

  9. Thank you for doing this! I'm so excited to find out who wins and I'm super appreciative! If I were to win, I would definitely choose The Hunger Games t-shirt because I am such a huge fan of the series! Sending lots of love your way and thanks again! (:

  10. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I would like to win the Sherlock key chain, because I am a huge an of the tv show!! Hope you continue with the blog, love from Portugal.


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