Monday, June 23, 2014

Novel in a Tweet

Instead of a regular post today, I wanted to encourage everyone to sum up your novel (or someone else's) in a tweet, using hashtag #novelinatweet. There isn't any kind of fancy "cause" for this--basically I just wanted to see other writers do this and go through and read them just for fun. We can see what everyone is writing, and maybe add a few books to our reading lists. So take you work-in-progress, or a completed one, or your favorite books (heck, throw in a favorite t.v. show or movie if you want), and see if you can boil it down to less than 140 characters. Extra challenge--see if you can make people want to read it in 140 characters. Alternative challenge: see if you can make it funny.

Also, it doesn't have to stop with Twitter. You can post it up on Facebook, Tumblr, your blog--wherever, but use the same hashtag, the whole point is to stick to the 140 character limit.

Hopefully we'll get some fun tweets coming in. Watch for them here.

Check out my tweets for mine.


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