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Monday, November 4, 2013

Only Half Alive

Several weeks ago, I did a cover critique of my friend Konstanz Silverbow's book Only Half Alive, talking about how the cover worked to appeal to its target audience. Today, I'm participating in the Only Half Alive blog tour, giving my followers a little more information about the book.

Only Half Alive – Author: Konstanz Silverbow – Genre: YA Paranormal Romance

The world's darkest creature will be their brightest hope!

While darkness haunts her, she craves the light. Christina is a demon, but she doesn't want to be. She is willing to sacrifice everything to change it. Only one person stands in her way, and he will stop at nothing to keep her the way she is.

The greatest battle of light vs dark threatens every living creature, a battle that could destroy all. And the demon in love will only have one chance to save everyone.

Read reviews or purchase Only Half Alive

Amazon (U.S.)
Amazon (U.K.)
Etsy (Signed and Personalized)


I pull the silver handles, and there is the silhouette of the man I have come to rob. The lamp in this room has been strategically placed so that I cannot see his face, but only his figure. Very clever, if his opponent were anyone else.

The sound of clinking ice shatters the silence as he places his glass of red liquid on the side table. He crosses his legs and puts both hands on his knee. “At last you have come.” His voice is higher than I expected. He isn’t nearly as old as he pretends to be.

I have nothing to say to him. My job is to retrieve the box and leave. But this guy has other ideas.
“Christina, it has been a very long time. And oh, how I have longed to meet you in person. I never thought it would happen quite like this. I didn’t expect Mr. Duke to find out about the box quite so fast, either. And yet, here you are to retrieve it for him.”

He doesn’t need to know that I am actually casing the room and searching for the box.

“You aren’t the scary demon people tell stories about. You are far too young and beautiful to be the monster they speak of. And the largest surprise of all is the fact that you are silent. I pictured you as more of a talker. Or is it that I have rendered you speechless?” He smirks. Not that he intended for me to see it, or did he? Does he know who I am? What I am?

I let him do the talking while I run a finger along the bookshelves, circling the room. I let him speak to my back. If he believes that I trust him and he uses it against me, I will have all the reason I need to knock him unconscious so I can continue the job in silence.

There are so many things I could say, so many words that could harm him. But I remain silent. He can continue grasping at straws. He is looking for information—he should know that silence is my friend.

“If you’re looking for this, you won’t find it over there.” I look up from the desk and see the box displayed in the palm of his hand. The picture Mr. Duke gave me does the box no justice. In person, even from afar, it is beautiful. Stunning. Silver, a dragon wrapped around the sides, a second dragon lying across the lid.

“You know what I’ve come for, you were expecting me, and you haven’t tried to kill me yet. I’m quite impressed. You’re more skilled than most of my victims. But it doesn’t mean that the end of our game will be much different.” I hate threatening people. Oh, how I hate having to pretend that I am okay with my power, with my very being. But most of all, I hate how convincing I sound.

“Dear Christina, don’t make a fool of yourself. I’m not just anyone. And I am most certainly not like your victims before. You knew this mission was different when you saw the gates outside.”

“About those—they’re quite ugly. You should hire someone else for your exterior decorating. Though, I don’t blame you; most assume that unicorns are friendly and protective.”

There is a whisper of movement, but before I can react he is standing behind me, the point of a dagger pressing ever so slightly into my back.

“Too right you are. They appear beautiful and friendly—harmless even. Until one of them stabs you in the back.” Each word is accentuated with the blade digging a little bit deeper.

My voice lowers to a whisper. “Who are you?”

“Your friend,” he replies in a matching hushed whisper. But his voice is deeper; he seems to believe the words he speaks.

This makes me laugh. “Friends don’t greet friends with a blade in their skin.” I whip around and elbow him in the nose. The cracking sound is satisfactory until I realize what I have just done. This man, this boy, isn’t human.

He’s a vampire and I just permanently broke his nose. He glares at me before spitting. I might have broken some teeth as well.

About the Author

Konstanz Silverbow has always been a dreamer . . . but not a writer. Being an author was something she was dragged into. But since that day, she hasn't stopped. It has become more than a hobby, it is a passion.

During the day Konstanz works, making jewelry, playing the violin, collecting dragons, and learning all she can about medieval weapons. But at night she creates made up worlds and places where those dragons come to life and the weapons are used in battle."

Young adult fantasy, paranormal with a dash of romance author, Konstanz Silverbow; Proud Creator of magical worlds, fictional creatures, ideal super heroes and sarcasm since 2007!

Find, follow, and friend Konstanz



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1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for participating in the tour! <3 And just so you know, I have that critique framed and hanging on my wall! Seriously made my whole week when you posted that! <3


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